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L.O.P.E. Texas Benefit Horse Show

October 12th, 2024 @ Scissortail Hill

A fun relaxed schooling show to raise funds and awareness for Austin's own L.O.P.E. Texas racehorse rescue. Enjoy our wide variety of classes spread over our beautiful 50 acre property with all proceeds (minus the office fee) going directly to help care for the rescue and war horses at LOPE. Click here to learn more about LOPE and their wonderful programs and horses.

Thank you to all riders, trainers, and sponsors who supported the 2023 fundraiser! 


Dressage Suitability Rail Classes - $20 each – Flat rail classes judging the horse and riders suitability for Dressage. Judge: 

English W/T

Western W/T

Dressage Tests - $20 each –  Judge: 

Intro, Training, USEA, Western, and any other tests which run in a SMALL ARENA. No regular/large arena tests. 

Obstacle Trail Classes - $20 each – Two different patterns which will include such obstacles as bridges, boxes, noodles, cones, poles, flags, noise makers, curtains, and more. Obstacles focuses on bravery, and surefootedness, different speeds, negotiation of obstacles, and steering. The Horsemanship Challenge will be a pattern of daily tasks all riding horses should be able to handle that everyone can execute at home like mounting, opening gates, carrying items. Judge: 

Novice Obstacles 

Advanced Obstacles

Novice Horsemanship Challenge

Advanced Horsemanship Challenge 

In Hand Horsemanship Classes - $20 each - Three different patterns. Obstacle Trail focuses on bravery, manners, and surefootedness (may include bridges, boxes, noodles, cones, poles, flags, noise makers, curtains). Horsemanship focuses on different speeds, and handling/steering. The In Hand Horsemanship Challenge will be a pattern of daily tasks all horses should be able to handle that everyone can execute at home. Judge: 

Obstacle Trail Course 

Horsemanship Pattern 

In Hand Horsemanship Challenge

Jumper Classes - $20 each 

Pile of Poles (Power&Speed/Optimum)

Crossrails (Power&Speed/Optimum)

2' (Power&Speed/Time 1st JumpOff)

2'3" (Power&Speed/Time 1st JumpOff)

2'6" (Power&Speed/Time 1st JumpOff)

2'9" (Power&Speed/Time 1st JumpOff)

3' (Power&Speed/Time 1st JumpOff)

3'3" (Power&Speed/Time 1st JumpOff)

Hunter Classes - $20 each  Judge: 

POP (Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, EQ Over Fences, EQ On The Flat)

XR (Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, EQ Over Fences, EQ On The Flat)

2' (Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, EQ Over Fences, EQ On The Flat)

2'3" (Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, EQ Over Fences, EQ On The Flat)

2'6" (Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, EQ Over Fences, EQ On The Flat)

2'9" (Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, EQ Over Fences, EQ On The Flat)



Find Ride Times & All Information on Facebook Group 

Facebook Event Group

Special Awards

Best Turnout

Exemplary Horsemanship

Rider's First Show

Horse's First Show

Race Horse

Rescue Horse

Overall High Point Youth Rider

Overall High Point Adult Rider

Overall High Point Master Rider

Highest Dressage Score of Show

Obstacles Trail High Point

In Hand Horsemanship High Point

POP - 3'3" Champions

(Combining Hunters & Jumpers)


Eventing Derby $60  –Dressage, and mix of stadium/cross country (optimum time),

Novice - 2'11” (Nov A)

Beginner Novice - 2'7” (BegNov B)

Goldilocks - 2'4” (BegNov A)

Green As Grass - 2' (Intro C)

Baby - 12” (Intro B)


Pair Paces - $30 per rider - Ride over our Derby jump course with a buddy or trainer. Based on Optimum Time. Two per team. Trainers ride for free.

Beginner Novice - PP

Goldilocks - PP

Green As Grass - PP

Baby - PP


Lead Line - Short class for very little riders and their handler. Everyone wins! 


Western Performance Classes - $20 each -  Our judge will give feedback based on proper riding techniques, style, transitions, geometry, pattern presentation, and pattern accuracy. Horsemanship will cover basic riding skills. Discipline Pattern will mimic “Discipline Rail” classes with more advanced maneuvers such as lateral moves and speed alterations.


Horsemanship Pattern W/T

Horsemanship Pattern W/T/L

Discipline Pattern W/T

Discipline Pattern W/T/L

Entries Open
Stall Available

Pre-Registration Required. Use the above online entry form. Closing date is MIDNIGHT Wednesday September 31st, FOR Dressage, Eventing, & Pair Paces. Every rider will be charged one Office Fee of $20, this helps management cover costs of show overhead. Payments are required for all entries. We can accept checks written to "Scissortail" sent to our address (found right below this paragraph) or PayPal payments to our account. 

Scissortail Hill News

Upcoming Events


For SHOW RIDE TIMES please visit our Facebook page.

September 21st - Schooling Show #3

October 12th - LOPE Fundraiser Show

November 2nd - Schooling Show #4


Open schooling daily by appointment!

Horse Show photography:

Meaghan Carr Photography

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