Upcoming Clinics at Scissortail Hill
We are excited to be growing our clinic schedule and look forward to hosting many different clinicians of various disciplines over the upcoming year.

Coach Daniel Stewart
Sports Psychology & Physiology Riding Clinic December 9 & 10, 2023
Clinic Details:
Saturday PM Stadium & Sunday AM Cross Country
1 Hour Riding Groups of 4 (Beg, Inter, Adv) (Trot Poles-Prelim)
Sports Psychology Seminar Saturday
Rider Fitness Workshop Sunday
Full Clinic Cost: $325 (we may open one day spots mid Nov.)
One Day Stall: $50 ($25 for each extra night; includes 3 bags of shavings)
Auditing: $25/day or $40/weekend
This clinic focuses on mental skills that improve your ability to ride with intention, make thought out decisions while in saddle, and builds skills that will help you prepare for and deal with struggles. This is by far the most engaging auditing experience you will ever take part in. Sign up today!
Jodi Brassard Acupressure Clinic - Hands on 4 hour Clinic
Acupressure is a safe and effective way to participate in your horses health, internally and externally. It works off their pressure points (same as we have) and can influence the flow of blood, joint fluids, immune system boosting, etc. This is a noninvasive, yet very powerful way to get and keep your horse healthy. Acupressure derives from Traditional Chinese Medicine, and in our seminar we will specifically look at a before and after riding mini session to ensure the best and healthiest experience possible for your equine partner. Our hemp derived CBD is from the Cannabis Sativa plant specifically. We use “Full Spectrum” product only and not isolate or broad spectrum. Full Spectrum is the most pure and is a whole plant CBD, meaning that it contains CBD and other cannabinoids (less than .3% THC) , as well as terpenes, flavonoids, and active essential oils. Some benefits include reduced pain from arthritis, reduced anxiety, reduced stress, gut health, healing from surgery or injury, helping the immune system, appetite regulation, helping with inflammation, and helping with insulin resistance.
1. Clinic is from 9am - 1pm at Scissortail Hill 9513 S HWY 183, Austin, TX 78747
2. Bring your own chair!!!
3. Water and snacks will be provided (by Jodi) but you are welcome to bring anything extra for yourself if you like.
4. You are welcome to bring anything you like to take notes (many clinicians don’t allow pictures, but we do!)
Obstacle Trail Clinic w/ SHE Judge Becky Luna - $50/2 hrs July 30th, 2022
This clinic is held in groups of up to 6 each getting 2 hours of instruction.
1. Clinic is at Scissortail Hill 9513 S HWY 183, Austin, TX 78747
2. Bring chair water and snacks, if wanted.
3. You are welcome to bring anything you like to take notes, or video your work.
Dressage Clinic with Judge Crystal Forsell
Clinic Details:
Saturday - August 13th, 2022
Privates & Semi Private 1 HR lessons
All Levels Welcome
Dressage Lesson: $85 ($70 SHE students)
Stalls: $35 (per nights, includes 2 bags of shavings)
Auditing: Free
Crystal has spent over 15 years riding and instructing riders in competitive dressage and continue to do so successfully. She likes incorporating and groundwork as a major part of her training work.
Developing her own system of training utilizing methods on the ground with and progressive exercises under saddle, her core values are to teach your horse coping skills so you don't have to be a "brave" rider and to use exercises under saddle in a way so that you don't have to be a stronger rider.
USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist
USDF Instructor Certification Participant
USDF L Program Candidate (2019)
USDF Young Rider Graduate Participant
Multiple awards and placings in the show ring
Students have multiple awards and placings in the show ring

Manda Morris - Rider Bio-Mechanics Clinic
2022 Clinics - February 12th
Privates: $85 Semi-Privates: $65 (riders work separately)
Manda works with each rider to break down riding concepts into small chunks helping the rider focus on asymmetries to achieve their horses maximum potential. Her teachings increase concentration, body awareness, and core strength, improving the riders overall position and communication with the horse.
Any rider who wants to make themselves more "right" and wants to help their horse go more "right" is perfect for this clinic. Manda works with all riders from beginners to upper levels, and everything in between. Whether you are a trail rider, Jumper, pleasure, or Dressage rider (and anything else) you can benefit from Manda's eyes and teachings.
Interesting Fact: Manda and Paulina where both raised under the same trainers/barn while riding as children in Austin, TX.

Previous Clinicians @ Scissortail Hill Equestrian

Lisa Marie Bauman - Austin Eventing - Dressage, Stadium, XC
We hope to see Lisa back in the Winter.
-Open to all levels from Intro to Prelim
USEA ICP certified trainer Lisa Bauman specializes in building a solid foundation for both horse and rider from which they can effectively define and reach their goals.
Using the classical principles she learned under international trainers such as Deborah Rosen, Carsten Meyer and Mary D'Arcy, Ms. Bauman forges that special partnership required to bring horses and riders confidently up the levels.
Bridging the gap between horse and rider fitness, Lisa introduces Yoga for Riders into her clinics. With an emphasis on core fundamentals that produce correct movement and muscle integration, Lisa is known for being a fun and effective coach.
Her enthusiasm and engaging smile are well known on the cross country course. Her attention to detail and focused work ethic is evident in the results achieved by her students and their horses.
Clinic Details:
Friday - Dressage Privates Available
Saturday - Stadium
Sunday - Cross Country
1 Hour Riding Groups
All Levels Welcome
Dressage Lesson Only: $85
Sat/Sun Clinic Cost: $250
Stalls: $75 (two nights, includes 2 shavings)
Auditing: $15/day or $25/weekend

Avery Klunick 2019
-Dressage & Stadium on Saturday
-Cross Country on Sunday
-1.5HR sessions with 2 riders in each session​
-Open to all levels from Intro to Prelim
Avery Klunick is a 25 year old 4* event rider. She has competed coast to coast, working for Boyd Martin and Bea and Derek di Grazia. Avery’s career highlights include placing 35th at the 2016 Rolex Kentucky CCI4*, completing numerous CIC and CCI3*s and producing young horses to the international levels of eventing.
Scissortail Hill News
Upcoming Events
For SHOW RIDE TIMES please visit our Facebook page.
February 22nd - CTSSA Hunter/Jumper Show
February 8th - Schooling Show #1
March 22nd - Schooling Show #2
Open schooling daily by appointment!
Horse Show photography: