July 13th 2024 Trail-a-thlon
Start 7am ~ Ride Times Will Be Given
In Hand ~ Novice Mounted ~ Advanced Mounted
Each Division is comprised of 3 phases:
Pattern ~ Obstacle ~ Technical
Each Division: $60
Pre-Registration REQUIRED: Online entry form IS OPEN. Closing date is midnight July 8th. Bring cash, checks, and coggins to the event. Ride times will be released for Phase 2 & 3 on property. Phase 1 will be judged virtually. Videos must be uploaded by riders to a Google Drive file. More detailed information will be sent by email to participants.
Rules: Riders are encouraged to compete multiple horses and ride times will allow for this. Each pair may enter up to two divisions, but only one mounted division. All tack welcome and boots acceptable, but we do not condone abusive, harsh, or aggressive riding. All riders under 21 MUST wear a helmet and we strongly recommend helmets for all adults as well. Every rider must have all the appropriate release.
Each phase's course will be set the appropriate challenge level for each division, and not all described skills are in each division. All three phases will consider properly fitted and presentable tack, rider presentation, handling of their horses, and sportsmanship. Extra points will be awarded in every phase when a helmet is worn.
*Please choose the appropriate division for your level*
Division Descriptions:
In Hand - To be performed in a halter or bridle with handler leading the horse. Skills such as leading onto, off of, into, over, and thru obstacles. As well as lunging, backing, hind and forequarter turns, simple side-passing, and trotting in hand, plus more.
Novice Mounted - To be performed under saddle by a less experienced or timid rider or horse. Skills such as riding onto, off of, into, over, and thru obstacles. Obstacles maybe less intricate, less spooky, then the Advanced division and will call for slower gaits and will not include side-passing or cantering.
Advanced Mounted - To be performed under saddle by the horse and rider pair seeking a challenge. Skills such as riding onto, off of, into, over, and thru obstacles at all speeds. Obstacles and skills will be more intricate and spooky then the Novice division. We encourage you to challenge yourself!
Phase Descriptions:
Pattern - This phase will cover technical handling and riding skills. Both will be presented as a pattern. Patterns will be released. Pattern can be "called". IN 2024 THIS PHASE WILL BE DONE VIRTUALLY, VIDEOS MUST BE UPLOADED BY July 10th.
Patterns: In Hand Novice Advanced
Obstacle - This phase will test confidence, sure-footedness, bravery, and handleability. You may encounter bridges, tarp and water crossings, terrain obstacles, flags, balloons, curtains, mazes, noise makers, halting, side-passing, forehand, hindquarter turns, and more.
Technical - The final phase will be judged over poles and poles mazes, simple lead changes, backing, simple collection, simple extension, posting diagonals, transitions, turn arounds, and more. Will include obstacles important for daily handling like gates, bridges, and more!
Scissortail Hill News
Upcoming Events
For SHOW RIDE TIMES please visit our Facebook page.
September 21st - Schooling Show #3
October 12th - LOPE Fundraiser Show
November 2nd - Schooling Show #4
Open schooling daily by appointment!
Horse Show photography: