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Cross Derby - July 13th & August 3rd 2019

Description of the Cross Derby: All courses will have cross country obstacles you would find on a typical competition course including a water crossing, banks, and ditches (at upper levels) with show jump obstacles mixed in. The objective is to establish rhythm and confidence over jumps on natural footing and terrain. Optimum times and courses will be posted on the day of the derby. Square One (xrails) through Training. Schooling rounds will be open to Derby competitors after each division to improve and perfect your round. Pair Pace rounds with a partner will also follow the Derby rounds; ride the course with a friend or trainer. We will be starting with Poles/xrails and moving up so as to allow competitors to "move up" if desired. Open schooling will start after the end of the last round. Times will be early to avoid heat; covered arena for warm up. 

$45 per Derby round

$25 per Pair Pace rider/per round

$10 per extra schooling round

$35 Stalls (bring your own bedding and feed/buckets)

$10 Schooling Only (will still pay the $10 Office/EMT fee)

$10 Office/EMT fee (one per rider)

Square One (xrls) 8 - 12 obstacles at 200 mpm (can be led/coaching allowed)

Green As Grass (2' max) 10 - 12 obstacles @ 250 mpm

Goldilocks (2'4" max) 12 - 15 obstacles @ 275 mpm
Beginner Novice (2'7" max) 15 - 18 obstacles @ 325 mpm
Novice (2'11" max) 16 - 18** obstacles at 350 mpm
Training (3'3" max) 16 - 20** obstacles at 375 mpm


~SPECIAL AWARD/PRIZE for BEST OUTFIT/COSTUME on course!~ Dress up you, your mount, and your team!

** Show jumping obstacles will be maximum heights with smaller solid XC type jumps covering more ground to allowed upper divisions to participate with focus on conditioning. We are working on building up Novice sized XC jumps at the moment.


Rules: Cross Country dress and tack. All Riders must wear ASTM/SEI approved helmet, protective vests, and medical armband. Competitors may enter two divisions but would be asked not to enter less than one level below which they are currently competing. No coaching during competition except in the Square One division, but highly encouraged in schooling rounds. Pair paces will be run in teams of two with each rider jumping all jumps; timed as a team.


There will be an audible signal to start. 

Knock Down -- 4 points
1st Refusal -- 4 points
2nd Refusal at same fence -- 8 points
3rd+ refusal same fence – 20 points (maximum)
Fall of Competitor -- At jump; elimination    between jumps; remount allowed with 8 point penalty
Fall of Horse -- Elimination
Skipping or missing a fence - Elimination but schooling round encouraged!

Scoring: Penalties in jumping are added to time to determine placing for each division, closest to Optimum time wins after penalties are added. Ties will be broken by closest time.
6 Ribbons per division

Closing Date: Entries must be received by Thursday midnight. Ride times released asap Friday on Facebook.

  • LIMITED SPACE available. Sign up early!

  • $15 late fee will be charged after 5pm closing date. BUT entries sent after closing may be accepted if room.

  • NO unleashed dogs. 

  • Ride times & schooling schedule will be posted on the THURSDAY before the show at:

  • EMT is present. Each entry will include one $10 Office/EMT fee per rider.

  • Current Negative Coggins required with entry form. We do not keep coggins on file.

  • Scissortail Hill SHOW/EVENT RELEASE required with entry form. New one each event please.

  • In the interest of horse, rider, and facility welfare and safety, the weather forecast will be taken into account at or after the closing date. An inclement forecast may cancel the event.


Scissortail Hill News

Upcoming Events


For SHOW RIDE TIMES please visit our Facebook page.

October 12th - LOPE Fundraiser Show

November 2nd - Schooling Show #4


Open schooling daily by appointment!

Horse Show photography:

Meaghan Carr Photography

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